Intimacy With Jesus Resource List


Quick Listens

Gospel Portions

2-3 minute reminders of the gospel that was preached to you, which you received, in which you stand, and by which you are being saved, that you may hold fast to the word preached to you.

The Darkling Psalter

3-5 minute renditions of the Psalms and new poems to go with them.


Practicing The Way

John Mark and Tyler discuss apprenticeship to Jesus, what it means in everyday terms to be with him, become like him, and do as he did, and how to make space for your spiritual life to flourish by building a personalized Rule of Life.

The Art of Stability

On The Art of Stability, join host Rusty McKie and friends as they discuss navigating the instability of life and what it takes for them to stay grounded in Christ so they can go the distance in life and work.

Turning to the mystics

Turning to the Mystics is a podcast for people searching for something more meaningful, intimate and richly present in the divine gift of their lives. James Finley, clinical psychologist and Living School faculty, offers a modern take on the historical contemplative practices of Christian mystics like Teresa of Avila, Thomas Merton, John of the Cross among others.

Being Human

A new podcast from Christianity Today, Being Human with Steve Cuss is Christian counseling in podcast form. Steve Cuss, a former trauma and hospice chaplain, pastor, and leadership coach, guides listeners with a gospel-informed journey of discovery into the world of emotional health: everything from anxiety and reactivity, to triangulation, overfunctioning, and the Enneagram.

With You in The Weeds

Do you feel stuck in the weeds between where you are and where you want to be? With You In The Weeds is hosted by two seasoned counselors who provide Christian therapy in their church. They are routinely “in the weeds” with their clients helping them navigate the hardships of life from a psychological and spiritual perspective.

Phone Apps

Lectio 365

Lectio 365 is a free daily devotional resource that helps you pray the Bible every day. Tune into God’s presence and peace by slowing down, meditating on scripture, listening to God and praying for 10 minutes at the beginning and end of each day.

Pray As You Go

For 16 years, Pray As You Go has been a daily journey and encounter with God for millions of people around the world. We are here to support your prayer life each day with a short contemplative prayer session and an invitation to go deeper with other prayer tools, series, retreats and resources.

Books | The Short List

The Art Of Stability

Rusty McKie
When chaos without and within threatens our peace, it is challenging to sense God's presence, yet He is near and full of compassion. The Art of Stability is not a how-to manual for floating above the pain of life but a way for haggard hearts to take the long journey home to Love. When we do, we experience the safety and love that was always ours in Jesus.

Emotionally Healthy Spirituality

Pete Scazzero
A transformative guide to integrating emotional health and spiritual maturity through biblical principles and practical steps.

Practicing the Way

John Mark Comer
We are constantly being formed by the world around us. To be formed by Jesus will require us to become his apprentice.

To live by what the first Christian disciples called a Rule of Life—a set of practices and relational rhythms that slow us down and open up space in our daily lives for God to do what only God can do—transforms the deepest parts of us to become like him.


Pete Greig
How to Pray is a raw, real, and relevant look at prayer for everyone―from the committed follower of Jesus to the skeptic and the scared. Full of biblically sound wisdom, How to Pray will offer honest encouragement and real-life methods to refresh your spirit and help you practice life-giving and life-changing prayer.

Life Without Lack

Dallas Willard
One of our greatest needs today is for people to really see and really believe the things they already profess to see and believe.

Knowing about things does not mean we actually believe them. When we truly believe what we profess, we are set to act as if it were true. Acting as if things are true means, in turn, that we live as if they were so.

Eat This Book

Eugene Peterson
Eat This Book challenges us to read the Scriptures on their own terms, as God’s revelation, and to live them as we read them. With warmth and wisdom Peterson offers greatly needed, down-to-earth counsel on spiritual reading. In these pages he draws readers into a fascinating conversation on the nature of language, the ancient practice of lectio divina, and the role of Scripture translations; included here is the “inside story” behind Peterson’s own popular Bible translation, The Message.

Other Books

Spiritual Life

Practices and Disciplines

-The Practice of the Presence of God by Brother Lawrence | Buy On Amazon
-Celebration of Discipline by Richard Foster Buy On Amazon


-How to Hear God: A Simple Guide for Normal People by Pete Greig | Buy On Amazon
-Hearing God by Dallas Willard Buy On Amazon


-Prayer by Richard Foster | Buy On Amazon
-Praying Like Monks, Living Like Fools by Tyler Staton Buy On Amazon

Our Relationship With God

-Ragamuffin Gospel by Brennan Manning | Buy On Amazon
-Gentle and Lowly by Dane Ortlund Buy On Amazon

Additional Titles

-The Way of the Heart by Henri Nouwen | Buy On Amazon
-Life of the Beloved by Henri Nouwen | Buy On Amazon
-Letters by a Modern Mystic by Frank C. Laubach | Buy On Amazon
-A Testament of Devotion by Thomas R. Kelly | Buy On Amazon
-The Spirit of the Disciplines by Dallas Willard | Buy On Amazon
-A Deeply Formed Life by Rich Villodas | Buy On Amazon
-Life Together by Dietrich Bonhoeffer | Buy On Amazon
-Pursuit of God by A.W. Tozer Buy On Amazon