Reading God's Word

Below you will find links to several Bible Reading Plans to help you read through the Bible in a consistent and structured way. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask.

Helpful Apps

The Bible Project: free resources like videos, podcasts, articles, and classes to help people experience the Bible in a way that is approachable and transformative.
YouVersion Bible App: creates biblically centered, culturally relevant experiences that encourage and challenge people to seek God throughout each day.

Printable Bible Reading Plans

52-Week Bible Reading Plan: Read through the Bible in a year with each day of the week dedicated to a different genre: epistles, the law, history, Psalms, poetry, prophecy, and Gospels.
Two-Year Bible Reading Plan: Read the Old and New Testaments once and Psalms and Proverbs four times.
Three-Year Bible Reading Plan: Read through the Bible one chapter at a time over 3 years.. Readings alternate between the Old and New Testaments.
Redemptive-Historical Bible Reading PlanThis plan curates key chapters of the Old and New Testaments that help frame the flow of redemptive history—how God has worked in history to bring about his plan of salvation. It is designed to help you gain a solid grounding in the entire message of the Bible.
Chronological Bible Reading PlanRead through the Bible in the order the events occurred chronologically.
ESV 6-Month New Testament Reading PlanRead straight through the New Testament in six months by focusing on a short section each day.